Tuesday, March 26, 2019

April Fitness Calendar ....

Hey Christie Cubs and Family-
We are just TWO months away from the end of the 2018-2019 school year!  Therefore, we are TWO months away from our Fitness Calendar drawing that will take place the last week of school!  Don't forget that all March Fitness Calendars are due by Friday, April 5th.  Parents please make sure that your students Fitness Calendar has been signed to ensure completion.  Below is the April Fitness Calendar.  These will go home later this week so be on the look out for them.  It's never too late to start and establish healthy habits!  

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March Healthy Zone Newsletter ...

Hello Christie Families-

I can hardly believe that Spring Break is less than a week away.  In all actuality, I feel like I blinked and January and February came and gone in a matter of seconds.  Before you know, it will be the last day of the 2018-2019 school year.  CRAZY!!!  In this month's edition of the Healthy Zone Newsletter, we are still focusing on "Creating a Culture of Health."  One of my favorite articles that hits home especially if you have kids of your own is called "Decrease Screen Time to Improve Overall Health and Vision."  As crazy as it sounds, today's generation of kids have technology and devices at their fingertips.  Because of this, children are spending a substantial amount of their daily time focused on a screen while their physical activity level continues to decrease.  Therefore, early signs of childhood obesity and nearsightedness are on the rise.  In order for students to establish a healthy lifestyle, it is highly recommended that they receive 60 minutes of physical activity a day.  Let's help our children out by creating and establishing healthy goals while minimizing screen time.