Monday, April 23, 2018

Healthy Snack Tips for Kids ...

Often times, we get set doing the same routines over and over.  This is evident with snacks and meals as our lives become busier and busier by the day.  Below are some great tips to creating healthier snack options for kids.  Let us know what your favorites are!

Friday, April 20, 2018

April Healthy Zone Newsletter

Check out the latest April Healthy Zone Newsletter.  There's some great information regarding energy drinks, eye injuries, and health and wellness achievements.  Also, don't forget to get your child(ren) registered through the FUN RUN site to better our chances at reaching our $8000 goal.  The more students registered, the greater the donations which in turn is a win win for everyone!  Our goal of $8000 is the cost of a 5 foot wide track spanning all around the soccer goals on our north field.  The possibilities are endless.  As always, thank you for your support!!!