Monday, September 24, 2018

Why Is Physical Activity Important?

We can at times become distracted by the daily chores of the house, work schedules that can be demanding, kids extracurricular activities, etc, that we often neglect our own personal health.  Below is a link with some quick tips for increasing your physical activity.  Also, don't forget to check out the new October Fitness Calendar.  It has some excellent ways that you and your family can be physically active together.  Students should be bringing their calendar home later this week. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Healthy Zone September Newsletter 2018-2019

In the September Healthy Zone Newsletter, it's all about creating a Culture of Health.  This edition focuses on what defines a Healthy Zone School along with September being National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and Whole Grains Month.  Childhood obesity is on the rise with roughly 13.7 million children and adolescents, ages 2-19 being affected by obesity.  These are staggering numbers!  Here at Christie we are trying a number of activities to help kids be active in PE and Fitness along with a quick exercise to kick start recess.  However, kids need more than what's provided at school if we're going to change these numbers.  Therefore, we encourage all Christie families to complete the monthly fitness calendars and/or encourage 60 minutes per day of physical activity when they get home.  Research shows that only 37.4% of children actually participate in daily physical activity.  Keep moving cubs!

Friday, September 7, 2018


Dear Christie Families-
This 2018-2019 school year students will have the opportunity to participate in a number of after school clubs.  One in particular is the Running Club sponsored by Coach Reed.  Students are encouraged to get a Running Club form from the coaches in the gym either before school, during their specials time, or after school.  We will meet at 2:55 each day with the exception of Wednesdays.  Students must have a form on file in order to participate.  Our fabulous PTA purchased an awesome program for us to digital track how many miles students have run.  This will allow us to help set goals for students to achieve.  The Running Club is a great way for students to gain those extra miles.  Keep moving cubs!