Friday, September 15, 2017

Healthy Zone School

Christie Cubs and Parents-
I am thrilled to announce that Christie has been selected to be a Healthy Zone School!  This is super exciting news for our school as it provides additional funding resources, educational opportunities for coaches and important health tips for parents, students, and staff members.  The Healthy Zone School Recognition Program was developed by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and The Cooper Institute in 2011, and supports and recognizes schools in North Texas that are fighting the childhood obesity epidemic and creating healthy school environments. The program has shown to be effective in improving the healthy behaviors of schools, and in turn, a positive impact on student health outcomes has been observed.  The Healthy Zone School Recognition Program expanded to 141 schools in the 2016-2017 school year and impacted more than 96,000 local students.  This school year, 2017-2018, the Healthy Zone School Recognition Program added 20 new schools with Christie being one of the 20 selected.  As we begin to wrap our brain around this incredible opportunity, please check out the September Newsletter below from the Healthy Zone School Program.


Thursday, September 14th we began a new adventure here at Christie that starts with our amazing cafeteria staff.  We celebrated BLUEBERRY DAY!  Each month we will highlight a fruit or vegetable.  During each grade level's fitness class, we will discuss the benefits to the month's fruit/vegetable.  Then on a selected day, students will all have the opportunity to sample that month's fruit/vegetable during their lunch time.  We hope that this will encourage students to try new healthy foods as they learn about their benefits! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Spooner Boards in Fitness ....

This week in fitness, students will be introduced to the ultimate surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding piece of equipment called Spooner Boards.  They are incredibly versatile and perfect to improve core strength and stability, leg strength, balance, coordination, and gross motor skills.  The Spooner Boards are also an awesome fitness board for adults.  Whether you're twisting, balancing, or just rocking at your standing desk position everyone can enjoy the fun.  Surfin the surface with Spooner Boards!

Friday, September 1, 2017

September Fitness Calendar ....

Christie Cubs & Families-
Below is the fitness calendar for September.  While it is optional, we do encourage all cubs to participate as each daily activity lasts no longer than a couple of minutes.  Ultimately, our goal is to promote a healthier lifestyle for all cubs and their family.  Keep moving!